Click To Choose Your Weapon From Our Garden Tool Shed

The Scythe a.k.a Awake
The Axe a.k.a bboyjf
The HOE a.k.a Sindrro85
The Pitchfork a.k.a CuNhell1029
The Scythe a.k.a Awake

The Scythe a.k.a Awake

Rating: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

The go to tool for the Grim Reaper. Great for whisking souls away or to guide them across the styx.

The Axe a.k.a bboyjf

The Axe a.k.a bboyjf

Rating: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

Chop that wood! The original shot gun, made popular by the vikings while they raped an pillaged through out the old continent.

The HOE a.k.a Sindrro85

The HOE a.k.a Sindrro85

Rating: 👎 👎 👎

🙈 🙅 Why in the world would you choose the HOE. "I feel so safe now that I have this HOE" said no one ever!" There are no records of any notalbe figures using a HOE or than a farmer for HOEing. The HOE is so BASIC!!! If you are a HOE do yourself a favor and call 1-800-HELP-I-M-HOE. A HOETY HOE HOE from HOEville, USA; population 1. Who's the HOE now? 🖕

The Pitchfork a.k.a CuNhell1029

The Pitchfork a.k.a CuNhell1029

Rating: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

See you in Hell! Righfully so, last but not least. The favorite weopon of the father of all lies. Nothing symbolizes evil and wickedness like the fallen's one pitchfork.